Comments on: My Keto Diet, Lifestyle And How It Works For Me Travel, Walks, Retreats & Experiences Mon, 06 Mar 2023 13:52:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Steele In reply to Gillian Wyatt.

Hi Gillian, thanks for the comment. I will be adding more and more recipes to this Keto section of the site and it will grow. Recipes for all meals of the day too

By: Gillian Wyatt Hi Paul just been reading your article on Keto… Have you a recipe book and dietary guide all in one… I have been overweight for too many years… Just over 13 stone at present… I used to love walking not far mind… But over the years arthritis has affected my joints.. Must run from mums side of the family… I’ve had left knee then right hip… Left hip just over a year ago then recently my right knee has been giving way… Had X-rays still due to get results…. Sorry side tracking a bit.. But admire your weight loss and overall achievements.

By: Paul Steele In reply to Kaz Hanagan.

Hi Kaz, it can be done as a vegan diet. It is not all meat and butter etc if you don’t wish. Key then is to make sure you get fats from coconut oil, avocado and the right seeds and nuts etc. There are plenty of low carb veg and plant based foods.

By: Kaz Hanagan Very interesting read, I would love to try this but as I am vegan I don’t think this is possible for me
