keto mojito
5 from 21 votes

A refreshing sugar free Keto Mojito cocktail recipe made with ingredients that won’t have you worried about your macros.

When it comes to alcohol on a keto diet you need to be careful, many drinks contain lots of sugars or wheats etc that take the carb counts off the charts.

I have stated in my intro to my keto lifestyle how I manage very well with various types of alcoholic drink. But what about cocktails? If I go out to a bar I would never trust a cocktail. They are filled with real sugar and high sugared juices.

But here is a very simple and easy recipe that you can make at home very quickly once you have what you need in. Of course to make it keto friendly you need to adapt the ingredients but not lose the wonderful taste.

low carb cocktail recipe

We have replaced the sugar with erythritol. You can use any keto friendly sugar substitute you wish but I personally use erythritol. White rum and soda water has zero carbs

Lime juice, yes a rare use of a fruit for me. You would not do this with the juice of orange for example as that is massively packed with sugar. We are using the juiced squeezed from half a ‘small’ lime. This means the net carbs in one drink is just 2 – 3 carbs.

If you want to adjust your carb intake on this drink you just adjust the amount of lime juice used.

Keto Mojito - A Low Carb Cocktail

Keto Mojito – A Low Carb Cocktail

Recipe by Paul Steele
5 from 21 votes

A refreshing sugar free Keto Mojito cocktail recipe made with ingredients that won’t have you worried about your macros.

Course: DrinksDifficulty: Easy


Prep time






  • 1/2 a small lime

  • 2 tbsp erythritol

  • up to 10 fresh mint leaves

  • 50 ml white rum

  • 100 ml soda water

  • ice cubes


  • In a small bowl, put the squeezed juice from half a lime, the fresh mint leaves and the erythritol.
  • Using the end of a wooden spoon, muddle it all together whilst keeping the mint leaves as fresh as possible.
  • Transfer it all to a glass and add the ice to taste.
  • Pour in your white rum
  • Top up with soda water to taste

Cheers and enjoy!

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