The OEX Men's Evolution Stretch Jacket From Go Outdoors 1

New Summer, new adventures and time to test out some new kit. It has been a long Winter this year don’t you think? So I have been looking forward to the colours of Spring and Summer with great anticipation and getting outdoors even more than normal. Many new miles for me and of course Rusty 🙂

New season means new jacket too so when I was kindly offered the OEX Men’s Evolution Stretch Jacket by Go Outdoors to try it certainly fitted the bill for colour and style for a great British Summer.

The OEX Men's Evolution Stretch Jacket From Go Outdoors 2

It was a good time to be testing the jacket. A typical English Spring week was upon us. One day hot, next day cold, next day wet. Rusty doesn’t mind though as long as he’s out and about. He would be wallowing in the mud and water anyway whenever possible!

BaldHiker Social Walks

The OEX Men's Evolution Stretch Jacket From Go Outdoors 3

The jacket I found perfectly comfortable straight off the rail and is extremely light. My first thought it would be the perfect jacket to pack into the rucksack awaiting the cold wet weather on long hikes and climbs. The more I wore it though I could feel it was going to be a jacket for all occasions. From local dog walks to casual wear in those British showers and wind.

The OEX Men's Evolution Stretch Jacket From Go Outdoors 4

For a jacket of this type I found the pockets to be the deepest I have ever encountered to be honest. It enabled me to go rucksackless on long local walks a lot more. small camera, phone, dog poo bags, dog lead, notebook, all fitted comfortably within. To enable this I advise not buying skin tight and allowing room. You should always allow room I feel for a thicker fleece underneath and breathability anyway.

The OEX Men's Evolution Stretch Jacket From Go Outdoors 5

OK, some specs on the jacket… The waterproofing material is Hydra stretch 2.5 layer stretch, which I found performed extremely well in the downpours I have tested it in so far. The hood is adjustable 3 ways and the elbows have shaping, useful for me when not just climbing but getting photos at all angles. There is underarm ventilation, we have all been there haven’t we? Walking in the rain but getting too hot with a waterproof jacket on.

The OEX Men's Evolution Stretch Jacket From Go Outdoors 6

My verdict is this jacket is actually a bargain if compared to equivalent spec from other places and brands. It will be a stalwart of my Summer this year be it on long treks in the rain or in the bottom of my rucksack ready for a cold, windy or wet emergency.

Expect a lot more red to appear on my pages 🙂 And Rusty won’t miss me either will he?

The Hydra stretch 2.5 layer stretch jacket is available from Go Outdoors either in store or online.

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