Comments on: A Reykjavik Food Tour Travel, Walks, Retreats & Experiences Sun, 13 Nov 2022 18:31:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Taylor In reply to Amanda.

Glad you enjoyed the article Amanda. It’s great to hear that some things don’t change, like Matur og Drykkur and the hotdog stand, and that other things do. I loved my trip to Iceland and the food we had in Reykjavik was excellent. I’m already looking forward to the next trip.

By: Amanda Loved this! Brought back great memories. Although when I was there in the 70’s only a couple of these places existed – the hotdog van and Matur og Drykkur. Mostly I remember the awful non-alcoholic Egilsöl, which tasted like dishwater, so we put it on ice and it then tasted of frozen dishwater! Thankfully those days are gone!
