King’s Landing – Dubrovnik

Any Game of Thrones’ geek worth their salt would get excited about a week in the ancient walled-city of King’s Landing and I, am excited. Dubrovnik, the setting for the hit TV show’s capital city, is so much more than a beautiful set. In fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find a hint of seven-kingdoms-tourist-tat in Dubrovnik’s Old Town, which is fine, because it takes the crown all on its own.

Dubrovnik’s Old Town game of thrones

Often described as the Jewel of Adriatic, Dubrovnik’s white marble streets, statuesque walls and jigsaw of terracotta roofs hug the coastline. The ocean backdrop is a brilliant, royal blue and the sea is stunningly clear.

Fish literally frolic in the perfect water, so snorkelling is highly recommended and we did a half-day kayak, complete with a cave-snorkel, which was magical, if a little tiring on the arms. The best view of the Old Town can be seen from the city walls, which climaxes at the Red Keep and is certainly worth the walk.

dubrovnik skyline
coast at dubrovnik

The food in Dubrovnik makes the trip alone. Seafood, fresh from the ocean, is delicious: melt-in-the-mouth squid, huge, sweet mussels and langoustines and flaky, white fish are all cooked simply, the quality speaking for itself.

BaldHiker Social Walks

I highly recommend Proto and the restaurants on the Old Harbour. And, if you’re in need of a refreshing beverage and an irresistible view, and let’s face it, who isn’t in need of that, then Buza bar is the place for you. A bar that is literally cut into the cliff-face, it also offers a great base for swimming and watching the sun set.

My final, culinary recommendation is ice cream. Dubrovnik is to ice cream what Willy Wonka is to chocolate. Mounds of creamy, icy cool ice cream in every conceivable flavour line each street. In fact, I set myself the goal of having a different flavour every single day and hit the target in style.

dubrovnik harbour and views

Dubrovnik is also perfectly located to explore the other treats Croatia has on offer, with regular trips to the three Elaphite islands. Lopud, the island with the best reputation, offers a lovely stretch of sandy beach, just a pretty-woodland-walk from the harbour. The majestic Lokrum is also only a 10 minute ferry away from the Old Harbour and I could wax lyrical about that place for a long time as I did.

rocks in the adriatic sea

So, if you’re looking for a getaway with beauty, seafood and plentiful islands before winter comes, add Dubrovnik to your list.

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  1. I was there a fortnight ago. It is beautiful without a doubt and we’ll worth the trip. However, it is also very expensive. A walk on the city wall will set you back €35 each. Food and drink in the old town are also at a premium. If money is an issue, take a picnic. I saw plenty of GoT tat too.

  2. Sue Kinder says:

    My daughter got married in a lovely white church on the waterfront in nearby Cavtat and after the wedding the whole wedding party went on a boat to Dubrovnik and to a hotel overlooking the city. It was a dream wedding and we had a few days to explore this lovely area. Loved it and would go again. My daughter and husband have made it a yearly trip now as they love it.

  3. Helen Hayden says:

    Another wonderful post! Thanks for continuing to produce such great content and for inspiring me and my blog, Paul! x

  4. Grace @ Green Global Travel says:

    Lovely photos! Dubrovnik is beautiful and has a lot to offer, as you’ve shown 🙂

  5. Shen Hart says:

    I was in Dubrovnik in May this year and it’s an absolutely stunning city. We stayed in the heart of old town, it was an amazing holiday. The food at 360 was easily the best I’ve had, with the beautiful view over the harbour. Their local wines were all absolutely fantastic too, I look forward to returning there.

  6. Mary Gerdt says:

    Great photos and tour…I want to go!

    1. Ruth Clifford says:

      Thanks Mary – you should, it’s worth it 🙂

  7. Liliana Risovic says:

    A beautiful city indeed! I was there too. My area << Balkans. Great post !

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