generator hostel copenhagen review

It was to be the start of a jet-setting kind of week. Flying visits but enthralling visits to some wonderful cities throughout Europe. 6 cities, 6 Generator Hostels, in 7 days. To begin it was the flight from Manchester to Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. I had heard so much about the Generator Hostels and how refreshing they were for not just the backpacking travellers but also for the young and old alike, groups to couples. So, over the coming posts you can follow the weeklong journey, from Scandinavia to the Venice Lagoon, from the art of Berlin to the quirky streets of Dublin and more.

old buildings and bicycles Copenhagen

So, just a short flight from the UK took us to Copenhagen and just a short metro train took us to the centre of the City. A lot of things struck me. It is so very very calm! Nobody was in a rush for anything, and it wasn’t a lazy calm, it was a happy going about their lives calm. It is hard to stress this enough, for such a big place I have not seen much like it for polite calmness 🙂 The roads are filled more with bicycles than cars. On the transfer to the hostel the architecture around and that happy vibe gives the feeling of wanting to learn and explore.

outside Generator Hostel Copenhagen

Generator Hostel Copenhagen is perfectly placed for my day’s exploration base. Being the first I was struck completely by the colourful, bright, clean branding with every corner, every wall and every minute detail. Don’t expect the traditional dark place just to rest your head kind of hostel, this was a place worthy of being confused with a very fresh, well designed hotel! In Copenhagen, murals greet you from the walls. Local artists contributing to the great fresh design, more on that in a future post 😉

wall art inside Generator Hostel Copenhagen
Generator Hostel Copenhagen check in desk

What a great time to check in though… happy hour! It would have been rude not to 😉 From the clean colourful designs of the bar I wandered around and found spaces, nooks and crannies everywhere. Quiet soft seated areas, tabled areas, games area and chill out sofa areas. It was Sunday night, big movie night so there was a big screen showing a blockbuster in another area. Again the decor, design and features really stood out and you will find this a common theme throughout the following posts. Different, colourful, great use of differing objects, lamps and chairs etc, young, old, modern and more antique. Any designer or non designer like me can say that it could be done so wrong when that is tried…. But… it quite very simply works. It is comfortable, charming, calming and pleasing on the eye.

BaldHiker Social Walks
the bar
full bar of Generator Hostel Copenhagen
seating area

The staff are extremely helpful and are around 24 hours a day! The food is another dedication unto itself, where their full on continental breakfasts leave many other hostels behind yet again, but the prices are not sky high in the day/evening cafe… No matter what the reputation is for prices in the city. Want to see Copenhagen from a super central place with a great deal more than basics without breaking the bank at all? I would stay here most definitely. People of all ages and wants were staying at the time more than happily.

a sandwich in copenhagen
magazine shelf

Over the next posts we will show you what great landmarks we visited within just a short walk of the hostel. Here is a taster of things seen en route to them. See, a great location.

grand square Copenhagen
Copenhagen old ships
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