photo hack walk on air

It is always fun to do something a little new and different. Photography is one of those things where you can have fun experimenting for sure. I started out just doing point and shoot landscapes and over the years I have taught myself new things or tried new things to get a difference in my photos for social media and here on the blog.

This particular photo above created a lot of questions in the realm of ‘How did you do that’? When I shared it on my social profiles, so I thought it would be fun to show how it was done.

Especially as all it needed was my mobile phone, a minute of my time and some balance.

BaldHiker Social Walks

The Set Up

bench and smartphone needed

Find a bench or a raised surface a foot or two above the ground.

Open your smartphone camera, most smartphones these days allow you to set a delay timer when taking photos. I set mine to 10 seconds, this allows time to get in position.

Then press the shutter before placing the phone, camera up in front of the bench. Then quickly get in position.

Balance In position

balancing in position

Now you have 10 seconds or whatever timer you set to get up on the bench and into position.

The foot you are balancing on needs to protrude into the picture to give the better effect. The other foot needs to go out and forward, but not higher than the standing foot. Leaning forward helps the effect too. Balance, balance, balance, hold.

When you are sure the photo has been taken as 10 seconds have passed, check the pic. Keep trying and moving phone lying position until you have the pic you want to use.


Don’t worry if you have some bench etc in the shot as that can easily be cropped as you get it ready to post etc.

Another tip. Doing this in the midday sun can be problematic because of course the sun can shine straight into the camera and wash it out. In fact the photo I got doing these how to pics did just that…..

finished photo product

However, as ever with photography we all have our own unique style. Life would be dull if we all did the same look.

I will be posting more little and simple photo hacks on these pages over time. If you have any questions or ideas, give me a shout on social etc.

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  1. Very ingenious Paul… If at first you don’t succeed try try again… Love all the photos you take… The drone videos are super to watch too!!

    1. Paul Steele says:

      Hi Gillian, thank you so much. so kind of you to say

  2. Martin Cregg says:

    Very simple, yet ver creative.

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